The Frycake Lament: Donut Poetry

By Steve Cichon

donutFor Donuts
I Go nuts

Whether from Krispy Kreme or Dunkin’,
by the Greasy goodness I am drunken.

The sign reads Always Open… Never Closed,
sitting on the counter stool I take repose

Which shall it be… frosted, honey dipped, or with sprinkles?
Just the thought makes my Extremities tingle…

My coffee-brown lips enveloping a peanut stick…
it’s Nirvana… and that’s no schtick.

Forget the Bagel, Donut’s healthy cousin….
Better to pig out on a Day Old Dozen.

I’ll take six… Filled with Jelly…
Soon they’re just powder on my chin, and goodness in my belly.

Without an early morning fritter,
My whole day’s down the shitter…

If glaze off my finger I cannot suck,
Life isn’t worth a Flying…


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