Buffalo in the ’80s: Radice’s Go-Go Girls on red-light Chippewa

By Steve Cichon

It was a different kind of good time on Chippewa Street when this photo of the Root Building was taken in 1983.

According to the signage on the building in this photo from 1983, Radice’s offered go-go girls and topless exotic entertainment nightly.

According to the signage on the building, Radice’s offered go-go girls and topless exotic entertainment nightly.

The black and yellow building to the left was the home of the Fisherman’s Wharf, which made Radice’s look like the Yankee Doodle Room at AM&A’s.

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The old Fisherman’s Wharf building was torn down and Soho is now in its place. Emerson Commons, the cafeteria run by Buffalo high school students, is in the place of Radice’s.