By Steve Cichon
We hit 91 degrees on May 30, and even the most summer-loving of us saw our patience– and our antiperspirant– tested.
So, here are a few thoughts to try to cool things down– or at least make you a little more thankful for the heat.
It was actually the last week of May in 1942 when Bing Crosby recorded the famous version of White Christmas, so maybe he was dealing with the heat that day, just like we are this week?

As we’re dealing with this sometimes unbearable heat, it’s worth thinking about that it could be snow.
Really, you ask? But yes, the date for Buffalo’s latest snow fall is enough to send a chill down your spine on a blazing hot late May day.
It happened in 1980. It’s an outlier to be sure, but we had snow during the afternoon hours of June 10, 1980.
It’s the only time in the nearly 150 years of weather statistics being kept in Buffalo that we had snow in June, but history shows, it is possible.
The news of snow on June 10, 1980 only garnered little blurbs in both The News and the Courier-Express– and not even a headline! Read the coverage in the Buffalo Evening News and the Courier-Express on Buffalo’s latest snowfall on record:
And of course, it was just three years ago (2015) that it was into August before the largest piles of snow– left over from the Snowvember storm of 2014– were still there outside the Buffalo Central Terminal.
The glacier-like piles were showcased by Channel 2’s Dave McKinley in a story that gained national attention as the July sun roasted in Buffalo.
So, of course, know it could always be worse in the Buffalo weather department.