Bishop Joseph A. Burke issued an edict to all of Buffalo’s parochial schools banning the “Twist” from all school functions.
The ban came in the form of a memorandum from Msgr. Leo Hammerl, superintendent of diocesan schools, that read, in part:
Bishop Joseph A, Burke
His Excellency, the Most Rev. Joseph A. Burke, bishop of Buffalo, has directed the Department of Education of the Diocese of Buffalo, to communicate with all schools, elementary and secondary, the following regulation.
For a number of reasons, not the least of which is the development of pupils in a proper sense of decorum and good taste, the current popular dance, commonly referred to as “the twist” is not to be permitted at any school or parish dance.
The story was picked up by the Associated Press and carried in newspapers across the country. It was mentioned in the TV & Radio Mirror magazine.
The directive prohibited Catholics, “both young and old,” from performing the dance, which was the biggest craze hitting the nation when the ban went into place. That weekend, no fewer than six clubs were advertising the “Twist” in The News.
Buffalo Twist joints, 1962
It’s not clear when or if the ban on the “Twist” was ever lifted for Buffalo Catholics.
This week 55 years ago, August 27, 1960, Western New York’s newest hospital was opened, as Bishop Joseph A. Burke cut the ribbon on the St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital in Cheektowaga.
(Buffalo Stories archives)
A special section of The News was dedicated to the latest advances seen inside, as highlighted by the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph.
Bishop Joseph A Burke dedicates Cheektowaga’s new St. Joseph’s Hospital on Harlem Rd. in 1960. (Buffalo Stories archives)